Thursday, June 11, 2009

Writing again

I somehow can't get it out of my blood to write something, sometime, somewhere, somehow. I think it's an activity that I do on a daily basis, almost. It's weird. And when I'm not writing, I'm reading, something somewhere. I swear it must be something I'm proned to do. What's weird about it, is that, when I was younger I hated reading. Seriously, I never read one book when I was growing up, except Cat People. It was the only and first book I had read from start to finish. Because I loved the movie. Incidentally, if I ever write a major script, I'd re-write that one. Something about it, moves me. Maybe it's the animal instinct stuff, I don't know. Then, another that I would do a sequel for is The Crow, I would love a chance to write a sequel. Someday. I know that they tried to make it a television show and I don't think it worked. That's because some movies cannot be turned into tv shows, they just can't. They are meant for the big screen, and they should remain that way. Just like Twilight, if they ever tried to turn that into a tv show, it would lose its' value. Now to make a sequel to the Crow, it would have to be an exceptional script and cast to pull it off, I'd say. So anyone who has the idea of it, can mull it over. Like me. But Cat People, now that is one story you can re-touch and modernize. It's sexy and wild. But that's me! Right now I'm working on a script, it's sort of a love story, but more about a person who faces themselves and finds who they really are--through love. I still am thinking the acts through but hope to finish before next spring. Wish me luck! Right now, I'm in the middle of so much things and I write when I can think clearly enough, or read. Mostly I'm planning, there's so much up ahead of me. So I'm sort of researching and evaluating myself for the road ahead. This will be a huge step for me, and I need to know who I am thoroughly before heading out in the world of media and film. Of course, not to mention, I'm getting psyched up for 3rd semester, which will have me in whirlwind of work.... so a colleague tells me. I'm looking forward to it, in a weird way I love hard work and the rush of it all. I love the challenge, and this will be a challenge. This fall I head back into the Final Cut lab to work, there will be no Avid this fall. I'm happy. I guess I'm trying to slow down all the writing for now, because I may be hit hard in the fall with tons of assignments. Who knows? Anyways, I'm rambling. But thanks for the eyes and ears!

Monday, June 8, 2009

My son, an actor??

Ever since he was small, he always amazed me. His cute little smile, big cheeks, big brown eyes, drooling mouth, and his zest for life. My baby. Well, he's not a baby anymore. He stands 5 foot 10 and weighs around 180. He's in his first year of high school, and he has so much girls who just love him. Although I must say, he's kept them at bay very well, he makes me so proud. Recently, he approached me with something I never thought he would. He says "hey mom, you know they'll be casting for the new Twilight movie eh?" And there it was, he wanted to audition. I was surprised, not that I don't think that he can pull it off, no just that he was considering it. And it's just not any movie, it's Twilight! I remember when his older brother auditioned for a movie and we got a call from Hollywood regarding his photo and his interest. That was a high for us to say the least. Now it's him, so I'm going to let him audition or at least send in his stuff to the casting director. And see what happens. He really wants to do it, and I'm not one to stand in his way or any of my children for that matter. He's a pretty mature young man who can take a fall and still get up from it, yeah he amazes me. I think that's what others love about him, his view on life, his outlook. He's positive, with everyone. He looks on the bright side of things, and somehow he can always make you smile no matter how you feel. That's my boy!