Saturday, October 23, 2010

As the year comes closing

2010 is nearing the end and we say good bye to the summer and welcome fall.  It's been quite a year for me as I've made my travels to and fro.  I've grown extensively this year and be made quite humble in this past year.  I've counted my blessings and have had many prayers answered by the Great Spirit who has given me so much.  I've worked hard and long to reach the part of the mountain I'm on and although I'm not there yet I know by trudging day by day I will reach the summit.  My two year training came to an end this summer and it was with great happiness that I accomplished quite a task.  I am now fully trained in Broadcasting-Television and I welcome the road ahead.  It just goes to show that no matter what the dream, it's never too late to go after what you love and believe you were meant for.  In saying that, I am pleased to say that my dream of owning my video production company is on it's way and I'm preparing for everything I want to produce with it.  Ideas always will flow through my mind, here and there.  That door never closes and never will.  My first project is a docu-drama that I want to produce in the new year and my crew and I are eager to get started.  Drafting a script is a job in itself but one that I'm happy to write, it's all exciting and I couldn't ask for anything else. I know I'm exactly where I need to be in life and I'm headed to a place where I can be a voice amongst my people.  After all the hustle and bustle of trying to figure out where I belong, I realize that it is with my people that I will begin my work. It's the most important right now.  When I was a young girl I used of dream of making movies and now my dream is at hand.  So as I sit here to write, I want to say to you who is reading - never give up on your dreams!!  Miigwetch