Monday, June 29, 2009

My weekend trip

Well even though the weather didn't pan out we still had a good time. The weather forced the gathering indoors on Sunday but it even made people even more compelled to dance even harder. The pow wow gathering brought out more than two hundred dancers this weekend and it was a site to see. I was not one of them as I could have kicked myself for forgetting one major piece of my dance gear that is crucial for dancing, my belt. I wasn't too sad because the wet weather sort of made it possible to not missed it terribly. The good news is that this coming weekend is another gathering where I will get to dance and enjoy the weekend with friends and family. So far the clouds still looms over the city today with a hope that it will dissipate by the coming weekend, friends and family are plenty when it comes to hosting an event in the city where visitors come from all over to join in the weekend pow wow. On a lesser note, "tired" is not even close to describing what we feel from our travels this past weekend, I'm a bit drowsy from all the road traveling I've done in the past week. I'm pretty close to saying that by the time of next spring, I'll be ready to start traveling by jet...and anywhere will not even be close to say where I'd want to go. So far this summer is turning out to be a good one for me, only two more months before I head back to class and after two months on break so far, I'm ready to head back. So that's my tidbit of news in my life thus far, stay tuned!