Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's in the name

It's officially November and we are getting closer to Christmas before we know it, it will be here!  This fall season is moving quite fast if I say so myself.  But it's good.  As days move, so do I.  I am near finished receiving all my equipment, I just need a few more items to start productions for my upcoming projects.  But the one thing I don't have is a name for my video production company, it's mind boggling.  I remember when it was time to come up with name for our music video productions in college, it was such a long process.  We literally sat through a whole class to play around and pick each other's brains for ideas of a good name.  It was tiresome.  And now it's my duty to come up with my own name for my company, it's no easy task. I've researched so many different names and some are still out there for me to use but the thought of picking a name to represent me, is a delicate procedure.  My up and coming website will need the name and I want to represent well because it's my shot, really.  I look forward to leaving the link to my new website here once it's up and running because I want people to know I am out there.  This is very exciting and I know that my dear parents are proud of me and looking down on me from the spirit world proudly.  I know that much.  I look forward to projects, especially to the documentary we will start next year.  For now, we want to shoot local projects and short films in the community.  My son is happy and can't wait for his first production to get rolling, he loves the camera and so do I.  Our test shots we have done look pretty good and we are fully ready for the road ahead and I couldn't be more happier that my son will be by my side as we film projects.  It's a dream come true for both of us and I'm sure we will learn alot as time goes on.  I thank the Creator for blessing me with such an opportunity and it is one that will be shown off well through projects we do. 

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