Sunday, September 27, 2009

A New Era

I think it was brilliant and very creative for writer Stephenie Meyer to include Native Americans into her story line of Twilight. I was wondering when someone would venture into that realm. Not only has she brought natives into a great story but she's also put them right in front of the whole world to see. It's brilliant. I'm not sure if she saw it that way when she was writing the books but nonetheless, it's for real right now. Our four new males wolves who are Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, and Kiowa Gordon who look amazing. The best part- is they are all real Native Americans!! Which is the best part! It opens the doors for other natives who may be interested in films, it's great. Then we have Julia Jones and Tinsel Korey who have done acting, but these roles as Leah and Emily I'm sure will push them into stardom. All over the Twilight conventions have sold out, and from looking at videos on youtube with some of the wolves involved at these conventions, they are gaining a huge fan base already. Mostly female, lol. It's wild but it's so cool at the same time. There literally tons of people who are patiently waiting to see New Moon and I'm sure that every theatre anywhere will be packed on opening night. The franchise is sure to get bigger with each film that is set to come out, with Breaking Dawn confirmed as a film already these hot Native American actors have their work cut out for them. I'm sure they won't disappoint.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Native American hero

Okay so New Moon is all up in the buzz lately and everyone has their favourites and I am no different. That's why hottie Alex Meraz is on my hot list as one of the wolf pack in the Twilight saga, he's just dreamy no doubt about it. But on a more serious note, Meraz is a role model for native americans everywhere in North America and he's definitely mine. I'm sure the role of the wolf pack in the movie will be well received, like it's already been everywhere. Females everywhere have been frantically selling out conventions for Twilight in every city it's been in. The response for the wolves has been amazingly astounding, fans everywhere have posted many videos where you'll hear screaming girls in the background while talking with Meraz and others. So fans are really enjoying the wolf pack already which is cool to see and hear. Meraz is my Keanu when it comes to movies and I'll definitely watch his career and maybe even get to work along side of him one day. It's always a possibility.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My son

This is my son Jordan who will be leaving home very shortly to go to Vancouver, as much as I am happy for him I will miss tremendously. I wish him all the best while he's out there!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Native American healing

I recently attended a conference at a highschool where there was once a building that stood towerously for small native american children. Now the school is a highschool for northern native american teens, although it's use is far more greater today than what it originated as, it still stung a few of the people who attended the conference. Pelican Falls Indian Residential school has long been torn down, yet the memories this school created for students still remained alive. With over eighty grown adults, it filled the school gym in prayers, thoughts, songs and stories. A true healing experience. The anguish that some former students felt were, heartfelt. I couldn't imagine the horror that some students survived through, yet their stories are as important today because of the history behind it. We will never be treated like that ever again. As I walked through the school admiring the walls of past students of Pelican Falls First Nation Highschool, I thought of how far we've come as a nation. We have survived plenty, and we had much to be grateful for. The walls filled photos of the graduates of Pelican Falls Highschool, and I felt a moment of pride as I looked at each student's picture. It was truly remarkable. Since it's opening, Pelican Falls has had over forty graduates with diplomas. So we've come a long way from Residential school, our future is strong. I am touched by the resiliency of our people, as I move on in my own healing. Miigwetch!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Mount Mckay 2009

So I was at the Mt. McKay pow wow this past weekend and me and my family had fun, as always. It was chillier than usual but still great! My daughter took pictures while I did video work, to see any videos I post please visit me on youtube (thunderlady24) and check them out there! Of course, both of us danced as well while at the pow wow. There were a lot of dancers, mostly local and some people from out of town which was nice to see! I like when people from out of town attend our pow wows, it's nice to know that they've traveled to be with you in celebration. That's how I look at it. My sons' had a great time drumming with their drum group Shadow Creek Singers, it was nice to finally get a video of them singing. Also, you can see that on my youtube account. Soon I will work on getting my videos up on here so that any viewers can watch directly from here. I'm new to blogging, so I'm adjusting and getting to know how to use this program but in time, I'll know what I need to know. So for now, I'm done!

Monday, June 29, 2009

My weekend trip

Well even though the weather didn't pan out we still had a good time. The weather forced the gathering indoors on Sunday but it even made people even more compelled to dance even harder. The pow wow gathering brought out more than two hundred dancers this weekend and it was a site to see. I was not one of them as I could have kicked myself for forgetting one major piece of my dance gear that is crucial for dancing, my belt. I wasn't too sad because the wet weather sort of made it possible to not missed it terribly. The good news is that this coming weekend is another gathering where I will get to dance and enjoy the weekend with friends and family. So far the clouds still looms over the city today with a hope that it will dissipate by the coming weekend, friends and family are plenty when it comes to hosting an event in the city where visitors come from all over to join in the weekend pow wow. On a lesser note, "tired" is not even close to describing what we feel from our travels this past weekend, I'm a bit drowsy from all the road traveling I've done in the past week. I'm pretty close to saying that by the time of next spring, I'll be ready to start traveling by jet...and anywhere will not even be close to say where I'd want to go. So far this summer is turning out to be a good one for me, only two more months before I head back to class and after two months on break so far, I'm ready to head back. So that's my tidbit of news in my life thus far, stay tuned!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Writing again

I somehow can't get it out of my blood to write something, sometime, somewhere, somehow. I think it's an activity that I do on a daily basis, almost. It's weird. And when I'm not writing, I'm reading, something somewhere. I swear it must be something I'm proned to do. What's weird about it, is that, when I was younger I hated reading. Seriously, I never read one book when I was growing up, except Cat People. It was the only and first book I had read from start to finish. Because I loved the movie. Incidentally, if I ever write a major script, I'd re-write that one. Something about it, moves me. Maybe it's the animal instinct stuff, I don't know. Then, another that I would do a sequel for is The Crow, I would love a chance to write a sequel. Someday. I know that they tried to make it a television show and I don't think it worked. That's because some movies cannot be turned into tv shows, they just can't. They are meant for the big screen, and they should remain that way. Just like Twilight, if they ever tried to turn that into a tv show, it would lose its' value. Now to make a sequel to the Crow, it would have to be an exceptional script and cast to pull it off, I'd say. So anyone who has the idea of it, can mull it over. Like me. But Cat People, now that is one story you can re-touch and modernize. It's sexy and wild. But that's me! Right now I'm working on a script, it's sort of a love story, but more about a person who faces themselves and finds who they really are--through love. I still am thinking the acts through but hope to finish before next spring. Wish me luck! Right now, I'm in the middle of so much things and I write when I can think clearly enough, or read. Mostly I'm planning, there's so much up ahead of me. So I'm sort of researching and evaluating myself for the road ahead. This will be a huge step for me, and I need to know who I am thoroughly before heading out in the world of media and film. Of course, not to mention, I'm getting psyched up for 3rd semester, which will have me in whirlwind of work.... so a colleague tells me. I'm looking forward to it, in a weird way I love hard work and the rush of it all. I love the challenge, and this will be a challenge. This fall I head back into the Final Cut lab to work, there will be no Avid this fall. I'm happy. I guess I'm trying to slow down all the writing for now, because I may be hit hard in the fall with tons of assignments. Who knows? Anyways, I'm rambling. But thanks for the eyes and ears!

Monday, June 8, 2009

My son, an actor??

Ever since he was small, he always amazed me. His cute little smile, big cheeks, big brown eyes, drooling mouth, and his zest for life. My baby. Well, he's not a baby anymore. He stands 5 foot 10 and weighs around 180. He's in his first year of high school, and he has so much girls who just love him. Although I must say, he's kept them at bay very well, he makes me so proud. Recently, he approached me with something I never thought he would. He says "hey mom, you know they'll be casting for the new Twilight movie eh?" And there it was, he wanted to audition. I was surprised, not that I don't think that he can pull it off, no just that he was considering it. And it's just not any movie, it's Twilight! I remember when his older brother auditioned for a movie and we got a call from Hollywood regarding his photo and his interest. That was a high for us to say the least. Now it's him, so I'm going to let him audition or at least send in his stuff to the casting director. And see what happens. He really wants to do it, and I'm not one to stand in his way or any of my children for that matter. He's a pretty mature young man who can take a fall and still get up from it, yeah he amazes me. I think that's what others love about him, his view on life, his outlook. He's positive, with everyone. He looks on the bright side of things, and somehow he can always make you smile no matter how you feel. That's my boy!

Friday, June 5, 2009


I have to admit that when this movie came out that I was a bit leary. You know I was thinking,"another vampire movie" and don't get me wrong. I love vampire movies, always have. But was disappointed by ones so far. Boy was I seriously wrong this time! And now I knew what the craze was, I absolutely loved it after watching. I loved the storyline, the characters, and the theme. Even the blue-ness of the show, it gave sort of a dark feel to it. Normally, I hate when editors or director tweak their movies with blue or fast movements but this time I didn't mind. Not to mention, Edward Cullen. Wow, couldn't you sink your teeth into that. He's a dream! And I love how the story allows these vampires to roam the daylight, it's so different. I loved it. The fact that it's young people, I think was genius because it has captured the nation by storm. Not to mention, older fans as well, as moi! I love Stephenie Meyer for bringing us such beautiful charachters. This movie will be a favorite of mine, for time to come!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

An Aboriginal Film Festival

I'm so excited to announce that in Thunder Bay, ON CANADA there will be an aboriginal film festival happening on June 19 and 20th of 2009 at the Paramount Theatre. There will be a total of 23 films shown that weekend, some first timers and some not. The program is not out yet, but soon! Coincidently, the Harbourfest is happening the same weekend in the same area and around the streets. The film festival is named "Biindigaate Film Festival" which translates to-->light shining in. I'm excited because my son's film will play there, as well as Georgina Lightning's film Older than America. She is going to be there as well, and I can't wait to meet her! The committee looks forward to there being many more film festivals to come in the years ahead, this starting it all off. I look forward to shooting my own film as well for next year's film festival. It's gonna be great!

Monday, June 1, 2009

First Nations in schools

Our schools in our community have been gracious to allow First Nations people and culture into their school, which is amazing. First Nation children are a growing number in the urban schools in our city and when we have organizers and community workers who bring culture into schools, it's fantastic. The programs starting happening around ten years ago, first with one school and now over seven or eight schools have regular gatherings every year. So I'm proud to see this happening as a First Nation person, surely something like this is well received by all who attend and it's beautiful. Children get to learn about Aboriginal culture and dance, the meaning behind the regalia and the purpose of each dance. I think more schools should have this included, especially if they include First Nation children in their school.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

That one day

Long ago, sometime in the early 80's there was a girl who was around 11 years old who sat playing with her older sister. They were designing their jackets, sewing random things onto them to look cool. After all, cool was in. All the time they were talking about friends, people, music, and movies. The craze to them was affiliation with groups, it seemed like the place to be for some reason. To be part of. Anyways while the one girl sat there, she made up in her mind that one day she would make it into movies. She didn't know exactly what that entailed but the rush of it flowed through her body like water hitting you from a waterfall. Never ending, always flowing. It wasn't going to stop, and it never did stop. Only thing that happened, was life. Life of school, life of friends, boyfriends, marriage, children, homes, moving, packing, searching, jobs, traveling, money, death and addictions. Even through all that, the always flowing waterfall of her dream ran still. It ran in her veins, it ran in her subconscious and never cease to stop. So what she did, was a struggle at first, she got back into school to finish her highschool credits and she did. After a four year battle of procrastination, she finally completed with a great huge smile. Then she went to apply to college, where she was accepted after some mix up and near devasting refusal, she fought to get in and persisted. After a meeting with some important people, she was in! On the way home one day not too long after, she cried on the way home as she drove down the road. Soft tears fell in huge quantities as each one represented a joy of her happiness, she was finally there. At the door she had dreamed of for so long, as that little girl who said she wanted to make movies, she was at the very doorstep. Today, she is riding and sailing through college with great mentors who are in very best interest of her dreams. And even though it took some twenty five years to get where she is, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that she is there, and where she goes from there will be completely up to her. Her life is in her hands, and she wants to do wonderful things with that life.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Life as a Native American

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend a weekend gathering (pow wow) at Pelican Falls First Nation highschool. I traveled along side of my husband, my two sons, my daughter, and two friends. We stayed and checked into a nice hotel, drove around the small town of Sioux Lookout and then headed out to Pelican Falls. I'm a jingle dress dancer, and so is my daughter and we attend many gatherings throughout Ontario which is a lot of fun. My sons are drummers and singers, so they also attend a lot of gatherings with us or with other groups that are traveling during the summer months. It's a lot of fun we enjoy each other's company, crack jokes, tell stories, share information, meet people, see old friends, dance, celebrate life, and enjoy the outdoors. This weekend we met some ladies from Wisconsin who took our picture and shared with us their thoughts and some background, it was nice. My husband got to see some community members from his reserve, and he really enjoyed that. Most of all, he got to see his cousin who we haven't seen for nearly fourteen years and it was so nice. We've wanted to bump into him for so long, he hadn't seen our kids since they were small and he was quite surprised because how much they've grown since he saw them. He was speechless. So before we left him, we went out for a bite to eat and gave him our address and phone number so he could contact us when he needed to. He's a long time guide with an outfitters camp and he loves his job because he's been at it for over ten years. It was a great time. Best of all, the weather was beautiful all weekend and we couldn't have asked for more. Pow wows are a great time for us, to relax and have fun because that's what it's about. As a jingle dress dancer it means a lot to me to be there for the people, to dance for the people for healing. I will always present tobacco to the Creator in thanks before I dance at pow wows, and this pow wow was no different. Of course, I have to say that it was an emotional time for me because it was the first time I wore my new dress at this pow wow. And knowing that this place had so much history of abuse with the Residential School being there once upon a time, I was moved while dancing at times. I felt as if the spirits who were long gone we right there with me, dancing with me. It was amazing. I will never forget this experience, it is one the will stay with me for a long time to come.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Forty and then some

Although it's been monumental for me to have reached my forties, it's also been like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Every week is different, some times it's even days for me. I'm up and then I'm down. When does it end? I've noticed a quite a bit about myself in the past five months and I'm slowly coming into my own. For one thing, I thought that maybe I'd be sad that a few of my kids are adults now and are old enough to take care of themselves but I'm not. It seems I am ready for them to go and experience the world. Sure I miss them but I'm okay. My two youngest who are 17 and almost 15 are reaching that age as well, and I'm okay with that too! It's weird and I wasn't expecting it but I'm glad of how it's turning out. And then there's part of me who's ready to bust at the seams, I want to go and experience new things. Unfortunately, financially it's not feasible yet and hope that some day it will be. One of the newest experience that I've come into is college life. I've finished my 1st year of broadcasting-television which has been fun and exciting, I can't wait to return to finish my 2nd year. With all that I've experience in the last 10 months, I am burning to get out in the world and work. But for now I know the patience is something that I must work on (it's been a tough one for me!) So forty has been a real eye-opener and somewhat rocky ride but it's one ride that is going to take me on an incredible journey!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring and other things

I love spring, the change of season when the sun stays out longer and the energy rises in the air. For me there seems to be a period where things change, and it's usually this time of year that it happens. This spring, it's blogging that's new for me. I've always heard about it from people and read about it on the internet but never attempted to look into it until I found this video that introduced me to it. Then I started to look at some other pages on blogger and saw how beautiful some people have created your blog page to be. I've always wanted a site like this so I joined. I'm looking forward to see the changes that happen on here and possibly the new features that are sure to come. Of course I will post as much as I can and have things of interest for anyone to view. Leave comments when you can, I always like reading what people write to me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Blogging life so far

I have to say this has been fun learning and to be honest at first I didn't know what I was doing. Now after some time spent on here, I think I have a good idea. So I think I will stick around because I've always wanted to have my own webpage where I could exactly this. I've looked at other pages and found some interesting stuff and I've seen such beautiful photos, so I thought wow I want to do that. I love this site! I think from now on this will be the site where I will frequent day to day. Thanks Blogger!